Monday 29 July 2013

What makes a woman sexy

Most people would say sexiness is a combination of different features that work as parts which entice people to be interested in that woman. This article explores the ideas of what makes women sexy and why society deems it so.

There's often the idea that large breasts are the pinnacle of sexiness, and cleavage is something men can't take their eyes off. It's so literally in their face that it's often the first thing they'll notice. It's confusing why large breasts form such an idolization by men, does it come back to when males were babies being breastfed and therefore in their early developing brain, it made that connection early on that breasts keep your hunger at bay, hunger is a powerful tool of attraction and addiction and it's possible that it's made a subconscious connection with men that stays for life. Or is it because large breasts indicate a woman's ability to bring up a child better than a woman with smaller breasts. Another factor that might come to play is that breasts are something that can be manipulated and grabbed, are they just a sexual toy for men to squeeze, much like a squeeze ball releases stress. If any of this is true, why is there a section of men that prefer smaller breasts, were these men, never really breastfed at birth, or is it a genetic predisposition to finding fat deposits attractive or not.

A round ass is also considered sexy, and for different cultures the bigger the ass the better. It seems ideally the more round and plump an ass, the more desirable it is. The round ass is another mystery as to its importance in sexiness,  Again it might have something to do with a woman's ability to bear a child successfully, as if they have a bigger ass, it follows that they have bigger thighs and thus more strength to survive childbirth, however is this really the only reason? The ass is another part of the body that can be squeezed, like the breasts, does it act as a sexual toy as well, something that releases stress. 

Long shapely legs also add a lot for women being considered sexy, being tall is the most ideal position for men and women and that advantage makes them more sexy in most people's eyes. Being tall has always been considered in society as being "better". Whilst in modern society, it shouldn't make a difference, being tall in our recent past would have made a large difference in survival, you would intimidate others more being physically larger and thus have a better chance surviving. Being tall also indicates that you had good nourishment through your life and subconsciously that is desirable when looking for a relationship. 

The face essentially plays the most important part of being sexy, as whilst you can have an amazing body, if you supposedly have a terrible face, or a butter face as some might call it, it will destroy the illusion of sexiness, which seems unfair when the other features can be missed out as long as a woman as one of them. Woman do have the choice to use makeup to supposedly improve their face, and this is why makeup is one of the biggest businesses in the world, but it's a controversial topic, where there's people who don't like seeing women in makeup as they believe its a fake appearance, and people who require makeup on women for them to be sexy to them, because of its removal of any blemishes which they might focus on.

It has been suggested that all these sections of beauty come back to the idea of the golden ratio in art and mathematics. That the beauty of the face is decided by this ratio and the face's symmetry. How did this ratio originally enter society's subconscious. Is it possible we subconscious understand that a face with a good ratio and good symmetry has less genetic defects, and therefore is more desirable as a partner for pro-creation. Does all of beauty really come back to the facts of genetics and compatibility with said onlooker.

It's often said opposites attract, is this because genetically we search for someone, different enough that when combined with our own genes, we would have a wider pool of genes that would cover our own weaknesses for procreation. Or does it all come back to culture and tribal instincts. It's most likely that it's a combination of culture, upbringing, genetics and society's social standard which determines our idea of beauty.

When it comes down to it, being sexy isn't really a set formula, it is a combination of a lot of things, and the parts that are important I think should be more about confidence, expression and general health. That's why I think there are so many interesting people in the world, there is so much diversity in our appearance and character, that it makes life more interesting.

Thanks for reading, if you have any thoughts about what beauty and sexiness is to you, please comment below.

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